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Election/Caretaker Period

The information on this website was posted prior to the Council election period, 17 September – 26 October 2024. No updates will be made during this period unless it is a statutory requirement.


What are the no smoking laws?

Smoking laws have been introduced in Victoria with the aim of:

  • Reducing the harmful effects of passive smoking at workplaces and other public areas.
  • Reducing the visibility of smoking in the community to reduce the uptake of smoking by children and assist other people trying to quit smoking.

In 1987, the Victorian parliament passed the Tobacco Act. It prohibits smoking (including use of e-cigarettes from 1 August 2017) in the following areas:

  • Most enclosed workplaces.
  • Restaurants, pubs and other eating or drinking areas other than approved outdoor drinking areas (Note that from 1 August all outdoor dining areas are smoke free). Ask the proprietor or Licensee of the premises if you are not sure.
  • Indoor entertainment venues.
  • Underage music or dance events (whether indoor or outdoors).
  • Public buildings (including within 4m to the entrance).
  • Train stations, and bus stops where there is a roof and on public transport vehicles themselves.
  • Schools, kindergartens and child care centers, including within 4m of the entrance to grounds or buildings.
  • Indoor play centers including within 4m of the entrance.
  • Within 10m of Playgrounds and skate parks.
  • Within 10m of a sports ground during under 18s events.
  • Within public swimming pools grounds.
  • At patrolled beaches between or within 50m of the red and yellow flags.

Since the Tobacco Act 1987 there have been additional amendments, please see for full details of the Tobacco Act and its amendments.

New Tobacco Reforms From 1 August 2017

  • E-cigarettes are now included within the definition of smoking. This means that e-cigarettes cannot be used where smoking is banned (see above).
  • Outdoor dining areas will no longer be exempted from the smoke free dining laws.
  • Smoking (including use of e-cigarettes) will be banned:
    - At all food fairs.
    - Within 10m of food stalls or their dining facilities at other organised events.
    - Restrictions introduced on the advertising, sale or display of e-cigarettes and shisha tobacco products.

Please see the Tobacco Reforms website for further information.
For assistance dealing with smoking addiction, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or contact the QUITline on 137848 or on-line at