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Helpful Links - Youth and Family

Helpful Links

Anaphylaxis Australia
Information on management and treatment of anaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction) as well as resources, activites, products

Better Health Channel
A Victorian Government site covering a wide range of health information and a health services guide with details of practitioners

Bladder and Bowel Health
Provides information about the prevention and management of bladder and bowel problems for all ages and backgrounds.

Blue Book
Guidelines for the control of infectious diseases

Dental Health Services Victoria
Oral health information including translated Tooth Tips and resources such as Teeth: Oral Health for Maternal & Child Health Nurses manual.  Also provides information on public oral health services including clinic locations and eligibility criteria.

Domestic Violence Resource Centre
Provides training and resources for professionals who work with women and children who have experienced family violence. Pamphlets for women who experience violence can be ordered from the Centre or downloaded from the website.

Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
A program that aims to reduce the burden of chronic disease by addressing maternal risk behaviours and providing support during pregnancy.

Immunisation schedules for babies and children

Koorie Kids Shine
Information to promote increased kindergarten participation by Koorie children

Post and Antenatal Depression Association

Parenting Research Centre
Provides education, training, research and demonstration services to support professionals working in the parenting field. The centre co-ordinates a number of programs and links agencies, facilitating the sharing of research related parenting information. It also provides a varied range of support in the integration of these initiatives into a sound framework for parenting service delivery for Victorian families.

Poisons Information Centre
The Victorian Poisons Information Centre provides a timely, safe information service for poisonings and suspected poisonings.

Quit Victoria
Resources and information about quitting smoking.

Raising Children Network
A comprehensive range of information on parenting of children from newborns to school age.

Royal Children's Hospital - Child Safety Centre
Aims to reduce unintentional injury through: education programs, information and advice, legislative reform and improved product and environmental design. Resources and services include a home safety shop, telephone advisory service, safety seminars,a national child safety library and product and design consultancy

Royal Children's Hospital - Early Childhood Connections
Provides a extensive 'Links Directory' with hundreds of links to websites and documents of relevance to professionals working in the Child Health area

Information to help achieve a healthy UV exposure balance to ensure adequate vitamin D levels are maintained and skin and eye damage and skin cancer risk is minimised.