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Election/Caretaker Period

The information on this website was posted prior to the Council election period, 17 September – 26 October 2024. No updates will be made during this period unless it is a statutory requirement.

Brush and Bubbles - Korumburra

A limited number of locals came along to enjoy the Brush and Bubbles event held by the Korumburra Lions.

The purpose of the night was to raise funds for the Korumburra Lions Club to be used in the community.

50 local ladies came along and were also treated to pizza at the Burra Brewery.

The event was a blast, with lots of giggles – maybe due to the bubbles!

Two of these have been run during 2022, both selling out very quickly, indicating to the organisers that they have hit the mark for many locals.

The painting was led by Koonwarra artist Bob Hickman. There was even an art quiz to give the paint time to dry onto the canvases. Everyone took home their very own painting, and some lucky painters scored some raffle prizes. The prizes were from local businesses who wanted to be associated with the event.

Burra Brewery may have been the venue, but the bubbles were courtesy of the Gippsland Wine Company in Loch. A fantastic example of local businesses working together for the greater good.

All of the money raised will go towards local projects, potentially infrastructure on the Great Southern Rail Trail.

It sounds like the money was great, but the night was even better with lots of laughs, chatter about what’s going on in their lives, questions and comments about their individual paintings. An all-round fantastic community social event.

Brush and Bubbles