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Council Policies

These direct and clarify our external business strategies, what we can and can't do and how council works. They set out the levels of service agreed to in consultations with the broader community 
A - C Adopted
Arts and Civic Memorabilia Collection Policy (C69) 20 March 2024
Asset Management Policy (C04) 18 Aug 2021
Audit and Risk Committee Charter (C08) 15 Feb 2023
Audit Policy (C55) 28 Aug 2019
Business Investment and Attraction Policy (C19A) 25 Jun 2014
Capital Works Policy (C85) 16 June 2021
CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy (C71) 15 Nov 2023
Citizenship Ceremony Dress Code Policy (C80) 25 March 2020
Civic and Mayoral Reception Policy (C56) 24 Feb 2016
Coal Creek Community Park Museum and Collection Policy (C05) 22 Apr 2020
Community Engagement Policy (C06) 24 Feb 2021
Community Grants Program Policy (C47) 26 Jun 2019
Community Infrastructure Project Management Policy (C09) 25 Jul 2018
Complaint Handling Policy (CE73) 23 Dec 2021
Compliance and Enforcement Policy (C64) 24 June 2020
Councillor Access to Council Information Policy (C66) 21 April 2021
Councillor Code of Conduct (C14) 19 Oct 2022
Councillor Development Policy (C87) 17 Aug 2022
Councillor Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy (C01) 21 April 2021
Councillor Standing as a State or Federal Candidate (C74) 19 May 2021
Councillor Support and Expenditure Policy (C51) 16 Mar 2022
Council Use of Logo Policy (C50) 24 Feb 2021
D - H   
Election Period Policy (C30) 26 Aug 2020
Electronic Surveillance Data Usage Policy (C89) 17 Jul 2024
Film Policy and Related Documents (CE28) 27 May 2015
Financial Management Policy (C86) 18 Aug 2021
Financial Reserves Policy (C93) 26 Jun 2024
Food Safety Management Policy (C18) 22 Jul 2020
Fraud and Corrupt Conduct Policy (C19) 19 May 2021
Governance Rules (C82) 19 Oct 2022
Heavy Vehicle Usage on Council Roads Policy (C20) 26 Jun 2019
Human Rights Policy (C52) 19 May 2021
I - O  
Information Privacy Policy (C22) 13 Dec 2023
Intellectual Property Policy (C23) 25 Nov 2020
Leasing Policy (C62) 16 June 2021
Live Streaming of Council Meetings Policy (C67) 14 Dec 2022
Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor Attendance at Functions Policy (C57) 26 Apr 2017
P - R  
Port Welshpool and District Maritime Museum and Collection Policy (C73) 24 June 2020
Procurement Policy (C32) 20 July 2022
Property Insurance Coverage Policy (C31) 28 June 2017
Public Art Collection Policy (C91) 20 March 2024
Public Interest Disclosure Guidelines (CE21) 9 Jan 2020
Public Transparency Policy (C75) 22 July 2020
Public Amenities Policy (C68) 25 Oct 2017
Rates and Charges Hardship Policy (C53) 26 Feb 2020
Revenue and Debt Recovery Policy (C15) 18 Aug 2021
Risk Management Policy (C35) 24 Feb 2021
Risk Management Framework (C35) 24 Feb 2021
Roadside Weed and Vegetation Spraying Policy (C95) 13 Dec 2023
S - Z  
School Bus Shelters Policy (C39) 25 Jul 2018
Social Media Policy (CE75) 17 May 2018
Special Charge Scheme Policy (C42) 24 June 2020
Treasury Management Policy (C24) 18 Aug 2021
Waste Disposal Privileges for Fundraisers/Community Groups Policy (C45) 26 Apr 2018
Wastewater Management Policy (C78) 23 Oct 2019
Youth Policy (C46) 28 Jun 2017