Renewable Energy
Our Position and Background
South Gippsland Shire Council is committed to supporting the Gippsland region for the influx of renewable energy projects to be established in the coming years. State and National policy targets dictate that emissions must be reduced to net zero by 2050.
August 2022
The Federal Government proposed an area under consideration in Gippsland for future offshore renewable energy projects.

Council endorsed a submission to the Federal Government's Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure Area Proposal. The submission provided in-principle support for offshore renewable energy, but also outlined Council's concerns, which primarily stemmed from our community's feedback and a lack of information on the direct and indirect impacts, including the proposed zone's visual impacts of areas adjacent to our south western coastline and bays.
December 2022
The Federal Government declared an area in the Bass Strait off the Gippsland coast as suitable for offshore renewable energy. The declaration followed consultation with existing industries including fishing, offshore oil and gas, other marine users, state and local government representatives, First Nations people and local communities.

The Australian Government has since awarded 12 Feasibility Licenses for offshore wind projects in the Gippsland Declared Area. See our Projects page for more information.
South Gippsland and Latrobe City Renewable Energy Impact and Readiness Study
South Gippsland Shire Council and Latrobe City Council, in conjunction with Regional Development Australia, commissioned a Renewable Energy Impact and Readiness Study, which was adopted by South Gippsland Shire Council in July 2024.
The Study provides Council with the economic, social and land use evidence to ensure that key opportunities and impacts of renewable energy development are understood and prepared for. It examines issues and opportunities, from the readiness of key towns to service and support renewable energy projects, to skills development and supply chain requirements.
South Gippsland Shire Council's Current Position on Renewable Energy in South Gippsland
Council adopted a submission to VicGrid's draft Victorian Transmission Plan Guidelines in July 2024.
This explains that Council supports renewable energy development in principle, but recognises the changing energy landscape. Council's support is measured, considering the need to limit negative impacts on our nationally-significant agricultural and tourism land, especially the impacts to our economy, local character, natural landscape, culture and environment.