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Storm Event Update

Updated 15 July 2024

Drop into Council’s Recovery Centre located at the Mirboo North and District Community Foundation for help connecting to mental health, wellbeing, financial and business advice services.

Open: Tuesday and Thursday from 10.00am and 3.00pm.

Network Outage Review Consultation

The Network Outage Review's Interim Report has been released. Community and stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on this Report through this website until 31 July:


Baths Road Reserve

On 28 July, the Friends of Baths Road Reserve will run a community planting day at the Reserve. Council has identified planting work can occur in an area of the Reserve that is considered safe for supervised work by volunteers. The Friends of Baths Road Reserve has received grant funding to plant native ground cover species to improve biodiversity and reduce the impact of invasive weeds. This is even more important post-storm, when invasive weeds can thrive due to less tree canopy. The planting work will be carried out in two sessions – 8.00am to 10.00am to sort plants, get them ready for planting and dig holes; then 10.00am to 12.00pm to complete hole-digging and plant into the pre-dug holes. Register here.

The Natural Environment Working Group continues to meet and provide input into planning that will support the recovery of this important area of remnant forest. The Reserve is still currently closed to the public due to safety issues relating to hazardous trees. Council are working on a program that will see the removal of hazardous tress to open walking tracks in the coming months. Discussions are ongoing in relation to the management of the windfallen timbers in the Reserve.

Mirboo North Swimming Pool

Council has been working closely with our insurers in relation to the damage at the Pool. This has included several site visits and a visit with a technical expert to assess the pump house, which contains equipment critical to the Pool's functioning.

At this stage, there isn't a clear picture on how long repairs to the Pool will take. We will continue to provide the community with regular updates on progress.

Mirboo North and District Community Recovery Working Group

Healing in our Environment

In reviewing the recovery feedback that has come through to the Working Group, activities that support recovery of the natural environment has been a strong theme.

To reflect this, the Working Group are developing a project that will support community recovery through healing our gardens, properties and public spaces in and around Mirboo North. The project aims to support our storm-impacted residents with replanting and environmental-inspired events, activities and resources that will help them in their recovery journey. The project will help with rebuilding social connections and support residents to, in and through their healing and renewing gardens, properties and our local environment.

Group Members

Bernadine Brullo (Storm Cell Volunteers), Vaya Dauphin (MNSC Principal), Wayne Roberts (MN Rec Reserve President), Jess Healey (Storm Cell Volunteers), Kelly McCarthy (MCDI President), Doug Parke (CFA Treasurer), Ruth Rogan (Community Foundation), Andy McCarthy (Energy), Belinda Seabrook (Reverend at St. Mary's), Anne Marie Dieperink (Community Bank) and Marg Thomas (Environment / Preserve Our Forests).

You can contact the group by emailing:

Recovery Support

Recovery support is still available and depending on what you need, can be as simple as telephone advice on what programs and services can help you, including the removal of eligible dangerous trees.

If you were severely impacted by the storm, you may be eligible for a Recovery Support Worker. They can work with you over time to find and access the support you need. To find out more, call the Emergency Recovery Hotline on 1800 560 760.

Free Outreach Legal Service

Provided by Gippsland Community Legal Service and Victorian Legal Aid, this service continues every second Thursday from 10.00am to 3.00pm — the next one being on 25 July. The attending lawyers will assist with any queries you have — that could be insurance delays, tenancy issues or more general queries. Remember that you can call them any time on 1800 004 402 or request an appointment at

Disaster Relief Australia (DRA)

Operation Marshall in Mirboo North has seen significant progress over the past six weeks. In conjunction with Emergency Recovery Victoria, DRA have deployed 145 dedicated volunteers, supplemented by 69 spontaneous and/or corporate volunteers, who have contributed a remarkable 6,541 volunteer hours and completed nearly 60 jobs. DRA will continue to be in the area providing assistance until the end of July.

Congratulations on an Amazing Community-Led Recovery Event!

The Mirboo North Storm Cell Volunteers, together with the Mirboo North and District Community Foundation, hosted an amazing thank-you event on Saturday 6 July. Attended by over 200 people, the night celebrated the community's resilience in the face of the February storm, and recognised the fantastic work of all those who assisted or donated goods, services or money during and after the emergency including residents, volunteers, service providers, businesses and individuals. The event provided a fantastic opportunity to reconnect, rebuild and offer support to one another.